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Donor Milk Services

CUPHD partners with the Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes (MMBWGL) to support both a Donor Milk Depot where the public can donate milk, and a Donor Milk Dispensary where donor milk can be purchased.

Why donor milk?

Human milk has unique properties that strengthen a baby’s immune system to help fight disease. Some parents may not be able to breastfeed or produce the amount of milk their baby needs. These babies benefit from the generosity of milk donors who have extra milk to share.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends pasteurized donor milk as the next best option for premature babies when their own parent’s milk is not available (source: AAP Policy Statement: Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk )

Why is informal milk sharing not safe for your baby?

Using milk directly from another parent, which is not tested or pasteurized, puts your baby at risk of infection, as well as potentially exposing your infant to medications, alcohol, drugs, or other contaminants (source: Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s 2017 Position Statement on Informal Breast Milk Sharing for the Term Healthy Infant)

Donor Milk Depot

After being screened and approved by the MMBWGL, lactating individuals can bring human milk donations to CUPHD. CUPHD sends that milk to the MMBWGL for processing, after which it is distributed to hospitals, individual families, and donor milk dispensaries, such as the one housed at CUPHD.

Interested in becoming a milk donor?

There is a 100oz minimum donation commitment for most donors. (You don’t need a major oversupply to become a donor! If you set aside 1oz of milk every day, you’ll meet this requirement in about 3 months.)

There is no minimum donation required for bereavement donations.

To start your donor application, contact the Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes or call 847-262-5134.

Already a donor?

Contact us to schedule a donation drop-off: 217-531-4529 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Depot Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30 am - 12pm, 1:00 - 4:30 pm; except federal holidays.

Milk Dispensary

CUPHD operates a donor milk dispensary, which provides increased infant feeding options for families wanting to supplement with pasteurized donor milk instead of infant formula.

  • Who can purchase donor milk?
    • Donor milk can be purchased for healthy and medically fragile infants.
    • May be purchased before or after delivery, up to age 2. Please call our office if you are interested in purchasing donor milk for a child beyond age 2.
  • What’s the cost?
  • Why is it so expensive?
    • Dispensary donor milk is supplied by the Mothers' Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes which is accredited by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). HMBANA requires strict safety procedures, which are costly. Donor milk is pasteurized (heat treated) to destroy bacteria and viruses while retaining powerful immune factors. It is also tested for contaminants, such as drugs and disease. All donors go through a strict application process including an interview and bloodwork to ensure all milk meets the HMBANA donation standards.