201 W. Kenyon Rd. Champaign, IL 61820 - (217) 352-7961

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Champaign - Urbana Public Health District            Ford - Iroquois Public Health Department
Dewitt - Piatt Bi-county Health Department          Vermilion County Health Department

WIC, Day Care Centers and Schools

Parks, Lead Poisoning, Water Quality and Radon

Rabies, West Nile Virus and Communicable Diseases

Hospitals and Clinics, Nursing Homes and Hospice, Veterinary Clinics, Mental Health, and Specialty Clinics

Vital Statistics, Demographics, Restaurants and Food.

Crime, Motor Vehicle Accidents.

Flu shots, earthquakes, floods, tornados, power outages and information for first responders


Follow the link below (click on the image) to an interactive map of the region's parks.

Interactive HMO Park Map

To zoom in on areas of the map you can use your mouse wheel, or the + or - magnifying glasses and the top of the page. Use the hand tool to move around the map, and the 'i' tool to see details about specific items and places.

The data in this map can be obtained here.

Local Links:

Champaign County Bikes

Description: Information related to cycling in the Champaign-Urbana area. Bicycle safety tips, official route lists, citizen route lists, bike shop locations and other information is available.

Website: Website: http://www.champaigncountybikes.org

Champaign-Urbana Bike Map

Front: http://www.champaigncountybikes.org/images/2010CUmapfront.pdf

Back: http://www.champaigncountybikes.org/images/2010CUmapback.pdf

Bike Maps for all of Illinois:

Illinois Depatment of Public Transportation

Interactive Map: http://www.gettingaroundillinois.com/mapviewer.aspx?mt=bike

Non-Interactive Map: http://www.dot.state.il.us/bikemap/state3.html

Safe Bicycling in Illinois: http://www.dot.state.il.us/bikemap/safekids/cover.pdf

League of Illinois Bicyclists

Description: Information related to cycling in Illinois. Safety tips, laws, route maps and other information is available.

Website: http://www.bikelib.org/

Illinois Depatment of Natural Resources

Description: Information on trails and paths that run through Illinois

Website: http://www.dnr.state.il.us/lands/landmgt/programs/biking/BIKEGDE.htm#favorites

Map of Trails: http://dnr.state.il.us/publications/pdf/00000642.pdf